Jordi Puig


Jordi Puig

Photographer and editor

I have been working in Lladó —Empordà— since 1990. I entered the editorial field through photography in 1991. Since then, I have worked in the sector as a photographer for many museums and institutions in Catalonia and, as an editor, almost always linked to Triangle editorial and Úrsula Llibres. I have published about sixty photography, heritage and landscape books, among which we could highlight Jocs i Joguets (1998), Dalí, el triangle de l’Empordà (2003), El Baix Empordà (2003), Retrats 799 (2005), Pirene Nostrum (2006), Catalunya! (2008), La Garrotxa (2011), El paisatge de la Costa Brava (2012), Barcelona, alta costura (2013), Claudi Casanovas, Ceràmiques 1975-2015 (2016), Costa Brava postals (2017) i Sant Pere de Rodes (2018), among others.
In the creative field I do projects in exhibition or publication format. In addition to working with objects, in 2003 I began to make series of portraits. I photograph various collectives through already established meetings, or I invent new collectives based on spontaneous events and festive convocations.

+ Curriculum Information

T +34 972 553 789 / +34 610 276 173
Carrer Horts, 3. 17745-Lladó, Catalunya

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